Monday, June 05, 2006

The case of the missing blogroll

Is it just me, or:

A) Was recently taken over by an entity calling itself "tucows," which doesn't seem to be related to blogrolling in any way?

B) Fellow and sister bloggers, did your entire blogroll vanish, too?

If both A and B are true, how can one go about recreating a blogroll? Is any other blogger acquainted with another blogrolling service?

Update, 10:29 PM, same day: I'm happy to report that is now back in operation, and my blogroll has also rematerialized. Whew, what a relief! I couldn't imagine having to start from scratch.


Blogger David Codrea said...

Me again--from their website:

Blogrolling News
Monday, June 5
View Article Database maintenance downtime
by Dan at 02:27PM (PDT) | Leave Comment | Permanent Link
Please note that is curerntly down for maintenance reasons. We have been experiencing technical issues with the database and have to take down the entire service in order to repair the problem in a quick fashion.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The BR team.

Mon Jun 05, 08:26:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

David, thanks for the information. I'm happy to report that both and my own blogroll are back in operation.

Mon Jun 05, 10:32:00 PM 2006  

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